Just a few more notes:

Dan Olson <go...@comcast.net> writes:
> Feedback appreciated, especially since iOS support may get into official
> LDC sometime soon.  This is a good time to voice an opinion on the
> approach.

Just noticed that tvOS and watchOS are now present in LLVM, so I think
support for these could be added to LDC soon too.

> Xcode is not D aware and a working plugin is needed.  In the meantime,
> xc-iphoneos-dc in the bin dir can be used as a custom *.d build script.
> Or you can compile D source externally and add your libraries/object
> files to an Xcode project.

An Xcode plugin for D is badly needed.  I think someone could get this
one functioning: https://github.com/michelf/d-for-xcode

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