On Friday, 6 November 2015 at 09:07:36 UTC, Gerald Jansen wrote:
On Friday, 6 November 2015 at 03:17:59 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
The ideas page for the 2016 Google Summer of Code is now up:


Concerning "Phobos: D Standard Library", specifically std.parallel, how about "a fork()-backend to std.process OR std.parallel" as mentioned in this post [1].

[1] http://forum.dlang.org/post/lpktvvgesolvoprjw...@forum.dlang.org

Would you be interested in mentoring that?

Also, for anything Phobos related it would be good to have general consensus that the project would eventually make its way into std.experimental at least. The discussion you linked to proposed the idea, but there wasn't much follow on. Perhaps a proposal should be floated on the General thread.

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