On Monday, 14 December 2015 at 15:01:36 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 12/12/2015 01:13 AM, Joakim wrote:

Desktop Android's certainly not there yet for everybody, but it is for my admittedly low demands, and soon will be for everybody, as google has said they're working on built-in multi-window for the next version of

Personally, I would need far more than just multi-window support for Android to be a worthwhile desktop OS for me. A lot of the issues (though not nearly all) relate to software ecosystem.

Yes, even after Android gets multi-window, it will take years for all the software to adapt. Hell, there still aren't that many Android apps that have a tablet UI, despite Android tablets having been around for years.

Also, this is purely psychological, but I feel claustrophobic when using multi-window that doesn't allow arbitrarily-sized and overlapping windows, even though I don't use that feature most of the time.

For example, I can't even find a halfway decent alternative to windows notepad, let alone any better text editor.

I find that hard to believe, considering Notepad may be the worst text editor I've ever used. :) I've been using the vim package in Termux, same as I do on every other machine.

Basic undo/redo support is rare in Android software, as is saving/loading actual files and sharing user files between different programs on the same machine, which is something desktops had pretty much sorted out decades ago.

I don't know about the prevalence of those features, as I uninstall far more apps from any Android device than the few I usually install, but I suspect undo/redo will become more common as Android starts getting used more for productivity and file support has always been there, if not front and center for mobile usability reasons.

The whole backup/restore situation is a mess (there's an article that explains my issues with it better than I can, but my link to it is buried somewhere ATM), PalmOS already had backup/restore sorted out much better over a decade ago. Heck, even same with iOS if you can tolerate iTunes and, well, Apple/iOS.

I've never restored an OS, so not something I've had to deal with. I usually simply manually backup any files I consider important, and almost never put anything worthwhile in app settings, so don't care about those. For example, I never bookmark anything in browsers, going from memory and google search instead.

That's just a few off-the-top-of-my-head examples. There's many others, like the bluetooth keyboard lag/unresponsiveness that you've already mentioned, and I can confirm from experience.

No doubt, it will take a while for mobile OS's to become more productive, as opposed to being used mostly for consumption, like browsing or listening to music. But that is inevitably what's going to happen, just as PCs killed off the more powerful workstations.

My point was simply that if you program and like to do a lot of stuff from the command-line, the recently introduced Termux app actually makes for a surprisingly pleasant experience on an Android device. And programmers are guinea pigs for what everybody else eventually does.

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