On 16.01.2016 18:55, karabuta wrote:
How do you see it?


Many variants are on the way.

Do you intend to propose this for the official logo?

If so, be aware that the logo is a delicate matter. There have been various proposals to change it from the current one, and all have been rejected. It's Walter himself who is rather strictly against any changes.

I have been pushing for this variant:


You see it's very, very similar to the current one. To the point that you could say it's really the same logo. Yet, it was the one part of the red-top-bar redesign that didn't fly with the powers that be. I haven't given up yet, though.

By the way, I'm not sure if this is announcement material. If you're looking for feedback, I think the General group would have been a better fit.

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