On Thursday, 28 January 2016 at 11:25:08 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

I do like the building-block idea you suggest, but one must think about the deeper reasons for why things are owned by which people. (I have found the Coase theorem and work on industrial organisation to be quite stimulating in thinking about this question).

In theory it's completely irrelevant as to whether is something is in the standard library or can just be imported via dub or a git clone, but in practice that's not the case.


The Coase Theorem is about externalities. The whole point of the Coase theorem is that when one person is causing a nuisance or polluting it is costly to bargain so the efficient allocation may not result. The law/courts should assign property rights in such a way to maximize efficiency. This does not seem relevant.

Based on the second paragraph, I think you meant Ronald Coase's work in the paper The Nature of the Firm. This paper asks the question why things are made in a firm or contracted to other firms. This clearly parallels your discussion of why things are included in phobos or not.

However, the whole point of the Nature of the Firm is that transaction costs exist in the real world. Firms trade-off the transaction costs of contracting business outside the firm with the benefits of doing things in house. These pressures lead to constraints on the maximum size of a firm.

Coming back to phobos and the fact that there are transaction costs in the real world (discussions on the forum about the future of D are clearly transaction costs), this implies that "in theory" it is not irrelevant as to whether something is in the standard library or not. As discussed elsewhere, there are clearly benefits to putting some things in phobos (if only for providing a framework for others), and there are costs as it gets too large.

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