On 9 February 2016 at 20:16, Sönke Ludwig <
digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:

> This release brings some larger changes:
>  - The library has been split up into sub packages: code, utils, data,
>    http, mail, diet, mongodb, redis and web. This is an intermediate
>    step to moving the individual packages out to separate repositories
>    with independent version numbers.
>  - A lot of work went into performance tuning. Single-core performance
>    of the HTTP server is improved by about +50% and multi-core
>    performance scales properly again after excessive lock contention
>    sneaked in in one of the previous releases. The number of worker
>    threads is now also properly determined on all systems (including
>    multi-CPU), which should fix the numbers for multi-threaded
>    benchmarks (an update to the TechEmpower benchmark suite is on the
>    way).
>  - The REST interface generator now supports modelling collections with
>    native D syntax using Collection!T. It also adds support for CORS.
>  - The std.concurrency integration has been fixed and re-enabled - you
>    can now use std.concurrency without worrying about blocking the
>    event loop. In case of problems (std.concurrency doesn't support
>    passing certain kinds of values), the old implementation can still
>    be accessed as sendCompat/receiveCompat/...
>  - Compiles on 2.066.0 up to 2.070.0. Note that this will be the last
>    release that supports the 2.066.x frontend. The next release will
>    require at least 2.067.0 or maybe even 2.068.0 (still TBD). This may
>    unfortunately rule out GDC for the time being.
Not a problem.  We may be on 2.068 sooner than you think (I know that 2.067
has been in branch/PR forever ;-)


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