On 01.04.2016 01:58, Nordlöw wrote:

From there:

 * Example:
 * ---
 * alias BaseUnit!("Ampere", "A") Ampere;
 * enum ampere = Ampere.init;
 * // or
 * enum ampere = baseUnit!("Ampere", "A");
 * ---

I dislike that the type depends only on the given name. This effectively means that the names are in a global namespace.

For example:

import experimental.units;

struct A
    alias BaseUnit!("Ampere", "A") Ampere;
    enum ampere = Ampere.init;

struct B
    alias BaseUnit!("Ampere", "A") Ampere;
    enum ampere = Ampere.init;

A.Ampere and B.Ampere are the same type here. I think it would be more useful if they weren't. When two unrelated sources define a new unit with the same name, then they shouldn't be compatible. Think of all the different kinds of pounds and miles there used to be in the world.

I can't think of a truly nice way to accomplish this, though. As far as I see, it needs a mixin of some kind.

Like this, for example:

enum string baseUnit = q{
        static struct BaseUnit {/* ... */}
        return BaseUnit.init;

struct A
    enum ampere = mixin(baseUnit);

struct B
    enum ampere = mixin(baseUnit);

static assert(!is(typeof(A.ampere) == typeof(B.ampere)));

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