On 2016-06-01 06:34, Jason White wrote:

Building it only requires dmd+phobos+dub.

Why is having dependencies so damaging for build systems? Does it really
matter with a package manager like Dub? If there is another thread that
answers these questions, please point me to it.

The two dependencies Button itself has could easily be moved into the
same project. I kept them separate because they can be useful for
others. These are the command-line parser and IO stream libraries.

As for the dependency on Lua, it is statically linked into a separate
executable (called "button-lua") and building it is dead-simple (just
run make). Using the Lua build description generator is actually
optional, it's just that writing build descriptions in JSON would be
horribly tedious.

So, Lua is a build dependency? Seems that Sqlite is a build dependency as well.

/Jacob Carlborg

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