On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 16:22:56 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
This strlen2 doesn't require special alignment or casting of char pointer types to some larger type. That keeps the strlen2 implementation fairly simple.

Yes, and the idea of speeding up strings by padding out with zeros is not new. ;-) I recall suggesting it back in 1999 when discussing the benefits of having a big endian cpu when sorting strings. If it is big endian you can compare ascii as 32/64 bit integers, so if you align the string and pad out with zeros then you can speed up strcmp() by a significant factor. Oh, here it is:


Of course, this is all moot now, little endian + simd has made such tricks redundant. Simd probably makes your strlen2 redundant too. The bottle neck tends to be memory access/prefetching for simple algorithms.

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