On Sunday, 10 July 2016 at 05:03:46 UTC, Dietrich Daroch wrote:
Hi everyone (=

I've just added a new proposal to add a new attribute to ensure TCO is applied.

The proposal is really simple, but I'm clueless on how to implement it and also interested on getting feedback on it.

The proposal it's ready for merge on the new [DIPs repo](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/6)


I'll chime in to give a counterpoint to the ... I'll say "immature" discussion this generated.

Just my opinion:

Yes, an attribute to express something you expect the compiler to do, has value. (Clearly some people on here don't have experience with a codebase that is maintained by thousands of people).

Even if compilers aren't required to implement TCO, it could work (compilers which didn't, would always give an error if you used the attribute). But it would then feel weird to me to use this attribute, knowing that some compilers would pass it and some would fail it.

And compilers which always fail it, would feel pressure to do better. Whether this is good depends on your outlook. D does think of itself as "multi-paradigm", so maybe it should push on this.

Personally I could see myself making use of this, but not being very sad if it didn't happen.

I do prefer your more verbose proposals over "@tco" - a short abbreviation doesn't feel appropriate.
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  • Re: DIP: Tail call optimiz... Andrew Godfrey via Digitalmars-d-announce
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      • Re: DIP: Tail cal... Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d-announce
        • Re: DIP: Tail... Andrew Godfrey via Digitalmars-d-announce
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