On 08/08/2016 09:54 AM, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
> On Sunday, 7 August 2016 at 23:08:34 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
>> I actually don't think this makes sense. You're not in the position to
>> maintain 1K+ packages, it's the library owners that need to test their
>> code.
> Thanks for taking the time to respond.

You're welcome. This is an important topic for us.

> I agree with you. Library owners should test their code themselves. But
> they don't. 24% of the packages don't build.

We want better ranking of dub packages (mostly by download, but for sure
also showing CI results [¹]). It's rather trivial to filter out
low-quality packages b/c they're hardly used.

[¹]: https://trello.com/c/CaYJwtBV/60-integrate-ci-results-with-dub-registry

>> Just this short list I'm using for the project tester is hardly
>> maintainable.
> I don't need to maintain anything besides linker errors. It is quite
> simple, I just run `dub test` and see what happens. If that doesn't work
> I consider it a failed build.
>> https://github.com/MartinNowak/project_tester (uses Jenkins, no need
>> to write yet another CI).
> I would argue mine is simpler to deploy and have nodes join.

Is it already usable? How to deploy then? I need to test
https://github.com/dlang/druntime/pull/1602 and otherwise have to
resetup my project tester for that.
Adding more servers to Jenkins is trivial as well.

>> Once a day is not enough b/c will feel responsible for breakages, we
>> really need feedback before merging.
> It is just a matter of resources. I choose nightly since it seemed
> doable using just my own resources.

Yes, but from past experience we know that people don't look at results,
if you don't make it part of PR acceptance.

>> - Show test results of various CIs on code.dlang.org. Testing a dub
>> package on Travis-CI is already a no-brainer. For example the
>> following .travis.yml would test a package against all dmd release
>> channels.
>> ```yaml
>> language: d
>> d: [dmd, dmd-beta, dmd-nightly]
>> ```
> Yes, that is quite nice. But that only gets triggered when the repo is
> updated.

Travis now allows cron scheduling, you still have to ask their support
to unlock that.


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