On 10/11/2016 04:13 PM, Joakim wrote:
> On Monday, 10 October 2016 at 08:47:54 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:
>> http://code.dlang.org/packages/dstatsd
>> StatsD allows to collect statistics about any application by using
>> counters, gauges and more through UDP.
>> Usage:
>> auto s = new StatsD("", 1234, ""); // connect to statsd server
>> s(Counter("Foo")); // increment counter "Foo"
>> s.inc("Bar"); // increment counter "Foo"
>> s(Counter("Args"), // send stats to Args, H, and timeA
>>   Counter("H", someIntValue),  // in one UDP message
>>   Timer("timeA", someTimeInMS)
>> );
>> {
>>   auto a = ScopeTimer("args", s); // automatic time collection
>> }
> Never heard about this either, I ignore node.js stuff.  I was just
> reading this interesting post on tracing/profiling a couple days ago: is
> it efficient enough to find some of these tail latency issues?

Stats aggregation usually has nothing to do with fine tuned performance
profiling - it is application defined way to monitor relevant metrics of
runtime behavior. For example, one can aggregate metrics for web app
request processing latencies to monitor if those stay within expected
margin - but if issue is spotted, it won't help much in debugging _why_
it has happened.

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