On Saturday, 28 January 2017 at 03:40:43 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/27/2017 4:43 PM, deadalnix wrote:
I mostly went silent on this because I this point, I have no idea how to reach to you and Andrei. This is bad because of all the same reasons inout is bad, plus some other on its own, and is going down exactly like inout so far, plus
some extra problems on its own.

If you've got a case, make it. If you see problems, explain. If you want to help, please do.

I did so repeatedly for years and never reached to you or Andrei, so I'm not sure how that's going to change anything but here you go.

The root problem you are trying to solve is to be able to specify that what comes out of a function has a common property with what come in. In the case of inout, this property is the type qualifier, in the case of return/scope this is the lifetime.

Same problem, same solution, same fallout.

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