Revision 3 of the ldc2 snap package is now available in the 'edge' channel of the snap store. This still provides LDC 1.1.0, but with the following important changes:

  * the backend is provided by LLVM 3.9.1

  * support for LDC's experimental link-time optimization
    (the -flto={full,thin} flag) has been included

I would be very grateful if people could try out these new features and report back on whether or not they work (and if any problems are encountered, on which distro and version).

-- to install --

This package should be possible to install on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, or Ubuntu 14.04, as well as any other distro making available a recent version of snapd (2.21 or later):

Once snapd is installed (on Ubuntu or Debian, `sudo apt install snapd`), the ldc2 snap can be installed with:

    sudo snap install --classic --edge ldc2

If you already have a version installed, you can upgrade it with:

    sudo snap refresh --classic --edge ldc2

Note, if this version breaks something for you, you can downgrade to revision 2 with:

    sudo snap refresh --classic --edge --revision=2 ldc2

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