Am 14.03.2017 um 12:17 schrieb Sönke Ludwig:
So I was able to reserve the last two days to work on something new, and
one thing that is currently rather lacking in the D/vibe.d web ecosystem
is embedded commenting, be it for vibe.d's own blog engine [1]/[2] or
for the DDOX based standard library documentation [3]. So I went ahead
and created a little comment engine inspired by Disqus and Isso: (screenshot inside)

It has a similar tree based structure with user voting, doesn't require
registration and a basic set of functionality works without JavaScript

Currently the only backend supported is MongoDB, but adding more is
rather simple. Using NNTP as the target, as was discussed a few times in
the past, is slightly tricky because editing and comment deletion needs
to be supported. However, there is a limited time frame for those
operations, so afterwards messages could be mirrored to a newsgroup
safely (the other way around would of course always work).

Any comments suggestions and especially helping hands are highly


Started a temporary instance for hands-on testing:

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