On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 04:06:29AM +0100, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> Also the default colours chosen by the developer usually work well for
> the them and their (and if you are lucky reviewers) terminal settings
> and are totally useless for a huge section of using audience (most of
> whom remain silent for various reasons). Take Git for example. I end
> up having to run:
> git … | more
> to get rid of the colours. The default colours might work for the Git
> developers but fail dismally for me. I cannot be bothered to get into
> the detail of how to change the Git colouring so I use more to get rid
> of it. 

        git config --global color.ui false

I sure hope this is also configurable with dmd, otherwise I may find
myself having one less reason to use it.

> I like having colours, for exactly the same reason colouring is good
> in source code editing, they can apply semantic (albeit often
> syntactic) coding, but all too often the colour choices are dreadful
> and too difficult to change. Hence all too often I have to:

I hate colors, for the reason you stated above: they usually clash with
my choice of terminal default color settings.  Also, I find colors a big
distraction to the eye when I'm trying to focus.  I don't even like
syntax highlighting for that reason. My take on it is that if I can't
parse the code with a glance, then either (1) my grasp of the language
is so poor I really shouldn't be coding in that language, or (2) the
code is so unreadably poorly-formatted it's time to fix the formatting
before proceeding any further.


Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects 
such as wickerwork picnic baskets.  Imagination without skill gives us modern 
art. -- Tom Stoppard

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