On Tuesday, 6 June 2017 at 14:27:40 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:
Have you thought about creating a `dtools` package with rdmd, dustmite, and ddemangle in it? They are useful for LDC and GDC too, perhaps people would like to be able to install them without needing to install DMD. (Perhaps the DMD/LDC/GDC package can automatically install such a "dtools" package?)

Yes, I did consider this, and I may do it if there is an ongoing issue with `rdmd`. It might for example be possible to entirely disable confinement for such a dtools package, as a short term measure to avoid the current problems.

I did have some discussion over the advisability of splitting up the `dmd` snap package in this discussion thread:

... albeit I was coming at things from a slightly different angle there. The short version is, keeping everything in one snap might reduce the amount of duplication; but I'm not sure that it's a very big deal in any case.

AFAIK snap packages don't have an equivalent of deb packages' "Recommends", but I can raise the issue.

On a different note: does anyone have an interest in there being dmd versions available other than the most recent?

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