On Tuesday, 18 July 2017 at 19:22:38 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:

Look at https://github.com/jll63/methods.d/blob/master/examples/matrix/source/matrix.d and https://github.com/jll63/methods.d/blob/master/examples/matrix/source/densematrix.d They know nothing about printing. They don't want to. The matrix modules do math, the app does printing.


I may not have been clear enough. My ideal solution wouldn't make any changes to that densematrix.d file, just the interface. So I don't have any issue with the matrix modules doing the math and the app doing the printing.

For instance, consider the traits in Rust
My idea is like making the interfaces in D similar to the traits in Rust (or at least having the option to do something similar with them). Your @method void _print(Matrix m) would be similar to impl print for Matrix in Rust.

Nevertheless, I get that it may be a difficult thing to implement.

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