This is awesome :). Congratulation to your new role

On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Wild via Digitalmars-d-announce <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The D packages for ArchLinux has been orphaned since Dicebot stepped down
> as the maintainer and no one else stepped up. So I decided to step up and
> apply to become a Trusted User, and I got accepted yesterday[1]. So from
> now on I will be the one who maintains all the D packages (in the
> [community] repo), and it will be my job to fix them if they break.
> If you haven't heard of me before (which is probable because I mostly
> lurk), my name is Dan, I'm 21 years old and I'm the developer of
> PowerNex[2], a D kernel/OS, and I livestream coding at Twitch[3].
> Currently only dmd, dtools, ldc and lib{,l}phobos are in the [community]
> repo. I would like to move over dub, dcd, dscanner and dfmt (some of these
> were dropped from [community] due to being orphaned). You guys can help by
> voting on AUR packages that you want to be moved to [community].
> Feel free to ping me on anything that is related to packaging or the
> ArchLinux packages.
> I hope I can maintain ArchLinux as a great environment to use D.
> Ways of contacting me:
> -
> - wild on freenode (I lurk in #d, #archlinux, #powernex)
> - Vild on github
> - Discord:
> Thanks
> - Dan
> [1]
> t/033463.html
> [2]
> [3]

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