On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 20:10:01 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 August 2017 at 15:41:02 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
On Saturday, 5 August 2017 at 22:43:31 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

It seems that under macOS, the linux executable is used, with a fresh install...

iMac:~ pinver$ uname -a
Darwin iMac.local 17.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.0.0: Wed Aug 16 20:06:51 PDT 2017; root:xnu-4570.1.45~23/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 iMac:~ pinver$ file /Users/pinver/.vscode/extensions/webfreak.code-d-beta-0.17.3/bin/serve-d/serve-d
 ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, 
interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, 
BuildID[sha1]=788ec4845beac53f20ad0c0279f6b143bf9e42cc, with debug_info, not 

Version 0.17.3 ...


uh serve-d doesn't have any prebuilt binaries yet so that is compiled on your PC and should be correct

Well, it would be really strange that dmd was able to compile and link a linux executable on my iMac, no? :-O


iMac:serve-d pinver$ pwd
iMac:serve-d pinver$ dub build --build=release
Package xdgpaths can be upgraded from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4.
Package dub can be upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2.
Package libdparse can be upgraded from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1.
Use "dub upgrade" to perform those changes.
Performing "release" build using dmd for x86_64.
eventsystem 1.1.0: building configuration "library"...
dunit 1.0.14: building configuration "library"...
painlesstraits 0.2.0: building configuration "library"...
painlessjson 1.3.8: building configuration "library"...
dub 1.2.1: building configuration "library"...
libdparse 0.7.0: building configuration "library"...
 Deprecation: cannot implicitly override base class method 
object.Object.opEquals with dparse.ast.Declaration.opEquals; add override 
isfreedesktop 0.1.1: building configuration "library"...
xdgpaths 0.2.3: building configuration "library"...
standardpaths 0.7.1: building configuration "default"...
workspace-d 2.10.1: building configuration "library"...
 Deprecation: cannot implicitly override base class method 
object.Object.opEquals with dparse.ast.Declaration.opEquals; add override 
serve-d ~master: building configuration "application"...
 Deprecation: cannot implicitly override base class method 
object.Object.opEquals with dparse.ast.Declaration.opEquals; add override 
iMac:serve-d pinver$ file serve-d
serve-d: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64


iMac:bin pinver$ file /Users/pinver/.vscode/extensions/webfreak.code-d-beta-0.17.3/bin/workspace-d
ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, 
interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, 
BuildID[sha1]=5cb6f08ed280d886418aeeeb4332a380d9cc44aa, not stripped

Again linux, there's no source code in the extension, so, I think that this binary was installed directly along with the plugin...

Can you check?
If I want to build it, what repo and revision should I use?


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