On Monday, 4 September 2017 at 09:30:06 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Could you give an example how to make connection object if I need access to it from several classes? Should it be global?

"""Good way""" is probably to wrap it into some ConnectionPool (at least that's what I did).

Snipper from what I use:

final class PostgresStorage
    private ConnectionPool!PostgresConection m_pool;
    /// PostgresConection factory used by vibe-d connection pool
    private PostgresConection spawn_connection() @safe
        return new PostgresConection(someparams);

    /// Client code uses this to get connection
    auto get_connection()
        log_debug("Trying to lock PSQL connection");
        auto con = m_pool.lockConnection();
        log_debug("PSQL connection locked");
        return con;

        m_pool = new ConnectionPool!PostgresConection(
            &spawn_connection, CONF.storageConfig.psql.poolsize);


alias PSQLConnT = PSQLConnection!(SocketT);

/// PSQL connection that is user-friendly
final class PostgresConection
    private PSQLConnT m_con; // actual dpeq connection
// here goes stuff you want to expose to client code (REST api handlers or anything else.
    ... some constructors and methods, for example:
    private this()
m_con = new PSQLConnT(m_conn_params); // from global parameters, taken from config

Honestly, tastes differ, It's your wheel to invent.

I use global Storage object, that can give out connections from connection pool, each connection has collection objects with methods to operate on persistent objects. Transactions are handled by connection, other stuff - from collections.
It's not like there is some golden standard.

If you are not writing anything concurrent, you can just make it global.

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