On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 07:09:05 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 26 August 2017 at 09:59:33 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Thursday, 1 June 2017 at 19:45:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I've finally written up full instructions on building D apps for Android by using the linux cross-compiler or native Android compiler I provide:


The upcoming ldc 1.4 beta will be the first to include Android cross-compilation support for all supported host platforms, ie Windows, Mac, and linux, as all my Android patches have now been merged. I'll stop putting out my own cross-compiler builds, though I'll maintain the native ldc package in the Termux package repo, once that's accepted.

If you want to build full OpenGLES GUI Android apps on your Android device, this wiki page shows you how to do that too. You too can be one of the elite few building mobile apps on your mobile device, and in D!

And there is now an ldc package in the Termux Android app, updated the wiki page to show how simple it is to install ldc on your Android device now:


Make sure to tell everyone you know how easy it is to write D on your Android smartphone or tablet now, just like the Go people have been enjoying:


The Termux twitter highlights those now happy about using Node, Clojure, or Scala on their Android phone, hopefully D is next:


Next up, getting D working on 64-bit ARM devices, which I recently got access to. David has been working on it already, hope we can get that done by ldc 1.5:


rdmd and dub are now bundled with the native ldc package for Termux, so you can easily write small scripts in D on your phone or build and run tools like DScanner from the D package repository at code.dlang.org.

For example, here's how you install ldc and run DScanner on your codebase to count how many lines of D code it has, all on your smartphone or tablet:

apt install ldc

dub fetch dscanner

dub run dscanner -- -l your-code/

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