On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 22:00:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, February 13, 2018 21:18:12 Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d- announce wrote:

Well, if dxml just passes the entity references along unparsed beyond validating that the entity reference itself contains valid characters (e.g. it's not something like &.; or & by itself), then dxml would still not be replacing the entity references with anything. Any security or performance problems associated with entity references would be left up to whatever parser parsed the DTD section and then used dxml to parse the rest of the XML and replaced the entity references in dxml's parsing results with whatever they were.

The big problem is how the entity references affect the parsing. If start tags can be dropped in and affect the parsing (and it's still not clear to me from the spec whether that's legal - there is a section talking about being nested properly which might indicate that that's not legal, but it's not very specific or clear), and if it's legal to do something like use an entity reference for a tag name - e.g. <&foo;>, then that's a serious problem. And problems like that are the main reason why I completely dropped any attempt to do anything with the DTD section.

Yikes! In any case, even if I had to implement a parser I would tend to not implement this "feature" as it sounds quite unreasonable. Only if a real need (i.e. one in the real world, not one that could be contrived out of the specs) arises would I then potentially implement the real deal.

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