On 03/03/2018 04:01 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> full-text search over a select group of packages (notably including
> Phobos) with a pretty fast response... just it eats ~1.5 GB to keep two
> copies of its database in memory in order to give those fast responses
> concurrently. The instance I have opened up to dub has a 1 GB limit
> right now...

Why would you need to have that in RAM instead of leaving it to the db
cache layer?

> But if the patreon thing takes off, I can afford to throw more memory at
> it, and/or I could prolly optimize that search database too, so it will
> come.

Where are you hosting?
https://www.hetzner.de/cloud has fairly affordable KVMs

>> https://forum.dlang.org/post/tkcndtapfypabsncx...@forum.dlang.org
> Yeah, that's not a bad solution, though what's nice about my solution is
> the author doesn't actually have to do anything... the user just goes to
> the docs and they appear!

That's a fallacy. If one doesn't have to do anything, it means it's more
likely that nothing is done. Adding useful documentation is one of the
most important tasks when writing a library and I'd expect any library
with basic quality standards to take care of that.
Good docs and CI are good indicators for the quality and usability of a


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