At the moment it’s a bit early stage but we are looking for enthusiast who has spare time and desire to spread the knowledge of D supremacy among students. The course will replace an equivalent of 1 year C++ course, but may start as half-year proof of concept.

- 3h per week, scheedule can be easily adjusted but it should start within 8-17 hour range. - pay at Russian Universities is usually super low esp if not having Ph.D, so really it’s more of volonteer role - you don’t have to be professional lecturer, enthusiasm and desire to teach D is enough, you will have help of other senior folks - I owe you a bottle of your favorite beverage and your favorite bug in Bugzilla if you agree ;)
- There is no hurry, it starts in September if all goes well.

Contact me for details:
dmitry.olsh at

Dmitry Olshansky

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