On Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 12:41:02 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
From https://dlang.org/spec/cpp_interface.html:

"C++ constructors, copy constructors, move constructors and destructors cannot be called directly in D code".


    // hdr.hpp
    struct Struct {
        void *data;
        Struct(int i);
        Struct(const Struct&);
        int number() const;

    // cpp.cpp
    #include "hdr.hpp"
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    Struct::Struct(int i) {
        cout << "  C++:  int ctor " << i << endl;
        data = new int(i);

    Struct::Struct(const Struct& other) {
        cout << "  C++: copy ctor " << other.number() << endl;
        data = new int(*reinterpret_cast<int*>(other.data));

    Struct::Struct(Struct&& other) {
        cout << "  C++: move ctor " << other.number() << endl;
        data = other.data;
        other.data = nullptr;

    Struct::~Struct() {
        cout << "  C++ dtor " << number() << endl;
        delete reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);

    int Struct::number() const {
return data == nullptr ? 0 : *reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);

    // ctors.dpp
    #include "hdr.hpp"
    import std.stdio;

    void main() {
        writeln("D: int ctor");
        const cs = const Struct(2);
        auto  ms = Struct(3);

        writeln("D: copy ctor");
        auto ccs = Struct(cs); assert(ccs.number() == 2);
        auto cms = Struct(ms); assert(cms.number() == 3);

        writeln("D: move ctor");
        auto tmp = Struct(4);
// dpp.move causes the move ctor be called instead of the copy ctor auto mv1 = Struct(dpp.move(tmp)); assert(mv1.number() == 4); // moved from, now T.init (even if the C++ code doesn't do that)
        assert(tmp.data is null);

// This last line doesn't work with dmd due to issue 18784.
        // It works fine with ldc though.
        auto mv2 = Struct(Struct(5)); assert(mv2.number() == 5);

% clang++ -c cpp.cpp
% d++ --compiler=ldc2 ctors.dpp cpp.o -L-lstdc++
% ./ctors

D: int ctor
  C++:  int ctor 2
  C++:  int ctor 3

D: copy ctor
  C++: copy ctor 2
  C++: copy ctor 3

D: move ctor
  C++:  int ctor 4
  C++: move ctor 4
  C++ dtor 0
  C++:  int ctor 5
  C++: move ctor 5
  C++ dtor 0

  C++ dtor 5
  C++ dtor 4
  C++ dtor 0
  C++ dtor 3
  C++ dtor 2
  C++ dtor 3
  C++ dtor 2


You are a mad man!

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