On Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at 08:53:36 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I heard there was a bit of general interest on the subject, so would be interesting to hear about more potential use cases.

I've been recently assigned the task of building a web-based Ladder Logic editor/compiler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladder_logic). This would not be a short-lived application, however.

I'd like to use D so I can take advantage of its fantastic modeling features to help manage the complexity of building such tool. It would also be more familiar, and therefore more productive, for me to use a language like D, so I don't have to do so much study and figuring to implement my ideas in Javascript, or learn some new API/framework/library/tool/whatever. One of my primary motivations for learning D is to avoid having to learn a different programming language for every different platform or problem domain: modeling power, modern convenience, and native efficiency are the trifecta for me (we should have kept that motto, IMO). Add some platform independence, and I'm extremely happy.

For now, unfortunately, it looks like I'll probably be using primarily Javascript and C#.

I'm not sure if I would be much help with this, but know that there is demand for it. I think the difficult part would be porting the D runtime to "browser" environment, and I'm not sure what's involved with that, especially given all platform dependencies that the runtime is currently bound to.


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