On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 02:17:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 02:02:52 UTC, Tony wrote:
Have their been other languages - besides D - that compiled to object code and used a garbage collector?

You can use a GC with C++ and you can compile Java to native code ahead of time.

The distinctions aren't really that sharp, it just depends on how you use it.

After I posted I wanted to edit it to add "disregarding JIT in conjunction with a VM like JVM or .NET". Have there been any C++ compilers that used a garbage collector?

What I was getting at was, if someone says "I've got a systems level project I want to play around with, however GC is not a deal breaker for me. ", it seems like they are making an implied reference to D as I assume "systems level" means "compile to object code and link with linker to executable".

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