On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 07:03:52 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
I never ever (I think) did something provocative, something to finally see:
...<rest text is skipped>

My 5 cents inspired by experimenting with D some years ago.

1. Programming became niche oriented and quite diverse. Writing new language requires significant manpower. 2. D manpower is not sufficient for finishing language in low level niche. AFAIK Walter estimated manpower around 2013 to be equivalent of bus factor of 10. This is not enough to deliver stable language, it will always be "tasted as raw" comparing with c++. 3. D strategic mistake is ad-hoc design. Some features are added or extended and because of complexity result in corner cases (this is exacerbated because sometimes backward compatibility is preserved and sometimes not). Fixing corner cases sometimes produces more questions. As a result language has some mess which is unlikely to be fixed coherently (c++ is at least a documented mess). 4a. Limited developers' efforts are consumed by fixes and internal code optimization rather than important issues. 4b. Dips (related to language design) mostly fail because proposal authors do not write code and developers are busy. 5. My view of D future. Walter and developers will continue to improve and develop D but at low pace. Low-level niche will be dominated by c++ as a common denominator. D and some alternative languages would compete for different parts of this niche. In long-term low-level niche will be broken into smaller niches with languages specializing in them. Being "just low level" would be wrong as "just language". This would raise questions what D goal is.

I am from area of economic, financial and scientific calculations used in decision making. It is dominated by python, c++ and statistical software. In most cases it does not require absolute speed (except financial markets rt trading, big data processing or some hard mathematical problems which are relevant for researchers in top institutions with supercomputers). It is hard for me to provide arguments for using D (meaning from professional area view) because c++ can be used for performance and D is poor in statistical libraries. Because it is applied area nobody cares whether exceptions have root class or whether virtual is default.

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