On Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 18:10:38 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Thursday, 16 August 2018 at 12:25:14 UTC, aliak wrote:

See: https://optional.dub.pm

I've totally revamped the Optional type and am now quite happy with. It has a range interface and safe dispatching and can be used to 1) avoid null dereferencing, 2) have non-null guarantees, and 3) show clear intent where there may or may not be a value. It's also @nogc and @safe and mutation of the original object during safe dispatching works as well.

The readme.md page looks great. You might mention that it works with @nogc and @safe (I presume Optional and NotNull).

One question: Suppose there was a @weaksafe that has all the same features @safe except that it relaxed the requirement of "No taking the address of a local variable or function parameter." so that you could take the address of a NotNull variable. Are there any reasons why this would be unsafe? I imagine NotNull requires some type of run-time checking, but other than that I don't see why not.

Actually "@weaksafe" already exists in the form of `@safe` + `-dip1000` - you can take the address of a local variable in `@safe` code and then you get a `scope`-ed pointer, which you're not allowed to escape.

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