On 12/09/2018 3:08 AM, RazvanN wrote:
Hello everyone,

I have finished writing the last details of the copy constructor DIP[1] and also I have published the first implementation [2]. As I wrongfully made a PR for the DIP queue in the early stages of the development of the DIP, I want to announce this way that the DIP is ready for the draft review now. Those who are familiar with the compiler, please take a look at the implementation and help me improve it!


[1] https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/129
[2] https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/8688

Here is a question (that I don't think has been asked) why not @copy?

@copy this(ref Foo other) { }

It can be read as copy constructor, which would be excellent for helping people learn what it is doing (spec lookup).

Also can we really not come up with an alternative bit of code than the tupleof to copying wholesale? E.g. super(other);

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