On Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 10:18:11AM +0000, ShadoLight via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> On Friday, 2 November 2018 at 00:53:52 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > 
> > And along that line, recent wisdom is that it's better to move
> > things *out* of classes (and structs) if they don't need access to
> > private members. (Sorry, I wanted to include a link for this, but I
> > couldn't find the article -- the title eludes me and google isn't
> > turning up anything useful.)  Class and struct APIs should be as
> > minimal as possible -- just enough to do what needs to be done and
> > no more, and the rest of the syntactic sugar (that makes it more
> > palatable to your users) belongs outside as optional convenience
> > functions.
> > 
> Maybe you are thinking of the "Prefer non-member non-friend functions
> to member functions" rule from Herb Sutter's "Effective C++" books?

Ah yes, that's the one.  Thanks!


Democracy: The triumph of popularity over principle. -- C.Bond

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