On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 18:52:02 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
length is getting ridiculous

Having better editor support is nice but by "use better editor" you meant use vim dont you? And even if I switch to vim it wont solve my initial objection to one letter variable names. Its needless hurdles. Not to mention the next person new to this will likely have same problems like me. And the person after that etc. Which comes to my recurring thought when dealing with dmd. How the f@#k should I knew that? Documentation and instructions around D project is almost non existant. Does idea pit of success not apply to compiler?

Human brain is good at finding patterns. Its also good at finding patters it wants to find where they dont exist. Your statement that humans have no problems in disambiguating language is completely false. Most people just ignore logical conflicts or lack of information needed to correctly understand what is being said. Most people dont put lots of effort in understanding what exactly is being said and humans are bad at conveying their thoughts trough words to begin with. Extreme case of this is all forms of religious believes. Here is a clip where people give definitions of God and none of them are the same
and here is one where J.P. at least tries to disambiguate words.

When people talk about God first they cant tell precisely what they believe. Second they dont know precisely what others believe. And third it doesnt even matter as long as you make vaguely sounding sentences. Same extends to the rest of human interactions and humans would happily go without noticing that until they have to interact with computers where you have to define everything precisely.

Your second idea that shorter words have less information is... just... What? English is not floating point where length dictates precision. In German maybe with one word created from combining multiple but not in English.

Then you combined your both flawed ideas to produce paragraph where good and bad ideas are mixed together.

No I did not strawman. I took Walters advice from NWCPP talk precisely to show a flow in it. If variable name lenght should be related to scope then changing scope should change variable name lenght. You on the other hand changed advice to binary advice. Either local and short or global and verbose
NWCPP talk

Code is read more often than written and should be optimized for that. One letter variable names are not descriptive enough. In short functions you can get away from paying mental price but in long ones you do not.

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