On Monday, 19 November 2018 at 11:13:52 UTC, Dukc wrote:
I had a look at your code, and just now I realized that spasm can really call JavaScript without any glue from JavaScript side.
I am not sure where you got that impression from, but I am afraid you'll still need js glue code.

This is huge! Now I can start to think about expanding my usage of D at the web page I'm developing, potentially replacing parts of my application made with Bridge.NET.
The only thing I did with spasm was to use a subset of the D language to define a declarative language for creating html components, and I used lots of introspection to optimise the rendering of them.

Everything else comes from the wasm backend from llvm and it's support in ldc.

I really appreciate you getting excited about it but look, Spasm is still in an early stage. The code is rough, the documentation poor. And it has plenty missing that needs to be fixed before you should consider writing anything serious with it. The two most important being bindings to all web apis and memory deallocation.

Having said that, of course I want you to use it :)

I know you did announce about Spasm earlier and I should have thanked you already. My fault: I realized that you made something that enables one to generate WebAsm, but didn't realize it enabled calling JS classes directly. Should have looked closer.
The way calling js classes from D (or any language out there) works, is to insert the js object in a big associative array at the js side with an int as the key. The int (handle) is passed to D. Anytime D wants to call a function or retrieve a property of that class it calls some glue code with the handle as first parameter. In the javascript glue code the handle is used to lookup the object and the corresponding function is called.

Since javascript allows you to call by string (e.g. `object["foobar"]()`), you can minimize glue code at the expense of decoding utf-8 strings.

1. Manually compile your code and parts of Druntime/Phobos targetting 32-bit X86, link them manually with llvm-link using --only-needed and only then compile to JavaScript (Haven't tried with WebAsm, but theoretically should compile the same way). This way you don't need to manually stub what you don't use -well, when the linkers have same ideas about what you're calling, which's not always the case.
That might work, but for the end-user it really needs to be as simple as `dub build`.

2: Use Vladimir's DScripten. I haven't tried, as I was limited by not being aware of anything like spasm to call Web API, but probably easier than my method above and brings larger portions of Phobos into user's reach. Also IIRC Vladimir managed to get allocators working.
Yep. The prototype version of spasm ran on top of dscripten-tools. I decided to move to native llvm wasm compilation instead, since I don't particularly like the emscripten toolchain.

Even with my relatively meager method, pipeline-style programming with std.algorithm and std.range over (often static) arrays is doable and practical in my experience.
As long as std.algorithms/ranges don't allocate, they work.

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