On 12/19/18 2:58 PM, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 17:28:01 +0000, Vijay Nayar wrote:
Could you please elaborate a little bit more on this?  In the linked
program, I had expected that "ref" would return a reference to "a" that
would behave similar to a pointer.

They work like pointers that automatically dereference when assigning to
the base type.

Only three things in D can be ref:
* A function parameter
* A function return value
* A foreach variable (since that's either going to be a function return
value, a function parameter, or a pointer, depending on what you're
iterating over)

So when the compiler sees something like:

     ref int foo();
     auto a = foo();

It sees that the type of 'a' has to be the same as the return type of
'foo'. Except that's not possible, so it uses the nearest equivalent type:

I would say it a little bit differently -- the return *type* of foo is int. In D, ref is not part of the type at all.

For example, even when it *could* use ref, it doesn't:

int x;
ref int foo() { return x; }

void bar(Args...)(Args args)
   pragma(msg, __traits(isRef, args[0]));

bar(foo()); // outputs false at compile time

The storage class is completely separate from the type. Which is different from C++, where it's like a storage class but is really a type constructor, hence Walter's post.


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