On Monday, 31 December 2018 at 12:25:08 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
IMPORTANT: if you have downloaded the v0.10.2 DCD binaries before 2018-12-31T12:30:00Z, please delete those and redownload because the binaries were broken; they reported version v0.1 instead of v0.10.2 and this could mess with your IDE if you use one for DCD!

Unfortunately this also applies to the precompiled binaries used when installing DCD on OS X via HomeBrew: Currently when running `brew install dcd`, you will get binaries which report version v0.1.

This can be worked around by building DCD from source: `brew install --build-from-source dcd`.

Does anybody know who is maintaining the DCD HomeBrew formula? That person should probably trigger a rebuild of the precompiled binaries.

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