On Saturday, 12 January 2019 at 15:51:03 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I especially like how design by introspection was contrasted with concepts and metaclasses, culminating in "We want to generate more smart code, not more boilerplate. We want to generate code that matters." Indeed. But what language features do we already have that are as "bo-riing" as concepts and metaclasses?

What I wonder is, with design by introspection and the right mix of other language features (e.g. `alias`, `alias this`, mixins, etc...), what traditional language features can be removed from the compiler and delegated to library facilities? For example, https://theartofmachinery.com/2018/08/13/inheritance_and_polymorphism_2.html

Because design by introspection allows us to "assemble programs atomically", perhaps high-level language features like classes and interfaces can become obsolete, and the language itself can be reduced simpler primitives that don't require the overhead of a runtime.


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