Am 25.01.19 um 18:01 schrieb Mike Parker:
> One of the options we were considering for a new fundraising campaign
> was raising money for Vladimir's continuing efforts on the forums. He's
> been maintaining them, and covering the server, without any compensation
> since the beginning. The recent thread about forum outages pushed all
> other considerations aside: it's time to support Vladimir.
> However, being the awesome guy he is, he insisted we only help out in
> covering the server costs. So that's what we're setting out to do with
> the new campaign.
> He has a list of options to improve the forum performance, one of which
> he recently implemented (moving the database to a new partition). A new
> server with more resources and an SSD should show an even bigger win.
> Then he can take the time to do his other optimizations at his leisure.
> We're asking the community to contribute $2000 to cover the new server
> for one year, with a little bit extra for any incidentals that arise.
> This is a campaign we want to make an annual event so that Vladimir
> never has to pay out of pocket for the server again.
> The campaign is available from the menu on the Donate page, but you can
> go straight to it here:
> And if you also want to support Vladimir in the broader work he does on
> all the open source software he puts out, he has a Patreon page that is
> looking pretty empty right now:
> Next month, I'll be launching Round 2 of the PR Manager campaign for
> another three months of PR trimming goodness. We pulled in $3,124 from
> Round 1, so the extra $124 will be used for a head start on Round 2.
> I'll put all of this in a blog post in the next few days, along with
> some other info.

I would like to donate for this, but flipcause does not seem to work for
me at all:

I tried to make the donation several times, but after entering all the
details and payment details and clicking on "Finish", I either got a
message saying something like "Sorry, your session expired. Redirecting
you to 'Home'" or i was simply redirected to 'Home' without any message.

Considering the other comments in this thread, it seems like I am not
the only one who has issues like that. Maybe you should get in touch
with flipcause in order to try to resolve these issues.

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