On Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 10:36:38 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:
hunt-markdown is powerfull markdown spec parsing and randering library for Dlang. It's fast and clean. Api design like java's commonmark library.

example code:
```import hunt.markdown.node.Node;
import hunt.markdown.parser.Parser;
import hunt.markdown.renderer.html.HtmlRenderer;

Parser parser = Parser.builder().build();
Node document = parser.parse("This is *New*");
HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().build();
renderer.render(document);  // "<p>This is <em>New</em></p>\n"

More markdown spec like this:

Github reposirory:

A cool addition would be a sanatizer to allow processing markdown provided by users in a secure way. Right now trying to build something like a forum supporting markdown would only end in lots of XSS everywhere.

The end developer could probably create a sanatizer himself but:

* security works best when the wheel isn't invented over and over again, such piece of software is hard to get right[1], better have a centralized effort

* writting a sanitizer requires building a MD parser so it's worth baking it into the library (but with a way to disable it for trusted inputs).

Otherwise, it would be good to mention that this is not fit to manage user inputs and should be kept server-side.

[1]: http://danlec.com/blog/hacking-stackoverflow-com-s-html-sanitizer

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