On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 12:24:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The Blog:


I've seen spasm around quite a few times, but reading this article has made me want to actually take a look at the documentation and try to understand how the library works.

Would the author be interested in structural level-feedback? As in, not "I wish there was this feature", but "I think the way you're doing X and Y is wrong, and the project would probably benefit from a complete refactoring".

I realize this kind of feedback is pretty irritating to get and hard to act on several months into the project, hence why I'm asking.

The short version is, it's pretty clear Sebastiaan has designed spasm with the goal of giving the library compile-time information on the structure of the widgets to render, to avoid React's superfluous updates and prop comparison; that said, I think it's possible to give the library that information without losing React's "your components are all functions, don't worry about how the data is updated" simplicity, which I think is an area where spasm comes up short.

Anyway, I'm ready to spend more time documenting for a deeper analysis if Sebastiaan is interested.

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