tl;dr Derek Banas is a YouTuber that makes long-form programming
tutorials. He has almost one million subscribers. He just posted
a 90-minute tutorial that covers D beginning to end. This could
be great promotional for this community to share with people
learning D!
Back when I was learning D, I learned from every resource I could
find: I read the canonical Programming in D e-book by Ali
Çehreli, The D Programming Language by Andrei Alexandrescu, and
even some of Adam D. Ruppe’s D Cookbook. Still, this wasn’t
enough at the time, so I also read through most of this website’s
docs and joined the IRC channel to bug people as much as they’d
let me.
It was about that time that I checked Derek Banas’s YouTube
channel to find a tutorial covering D. Derek Banas is well known
for creating long-form programming videos (usually an hour or
more) that cover the most essential aspects of major programming
languages in a fast but accessible format. He didn’t have a video
at the time, so I kindly left a comment and forgot about it: (see highlighted comment).
Well, I’m excited to share that Derek Banas has just posted a
lengthy D tutorial (90 minutes) on his YouTube channel. I have no
idea if I actually had any influence or not (probably not), but
I’m excited nonetheless that this community has one more
qualitative resource for beginners to learn D. D taught me a lot,
including some of the more advanced concepts available to
programming languages, and I’m really excited that now it’ll be
easier for more people can learn these concepts, too.
- dlang tutorial just posted on ... Zaydek via Digitalmars-d-announce