On Saturday, 30 March 2019 at 17:38:35 UTC, kinke wrote:
On Saturday, 30 March 2019 at 17:00:12 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
The goal is to provide a complete solution to build an ordinary d app without having visual studio installed.
Dmd for now can only work with omf libs and link only 32 bit apps, ldc - with mingw libs.

Erm nope, DMD works fine with COFF libs (-m32mscoff) and 64-bit (-m64) too; it's been shipping with the LLD linker and MinGW-based libs for a while, LDC followed suite but uses different MinGW-based libs. The only drawback is that these libs require a VC runtime installation for *running* generated binaries (but no MinGW). But Visual Studio or the Build Tools are purely optional for both compilers, and mostly interesting to link against the static MS libs to prevent the MS DLL dependencies.

Static libs for imports are taken from a pelles c compiler and can be redistributed, i'll add a notice and license files.

Okay that's *very* interesting, and I highly doubt they are allowed to do so. See recent https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19760.

Seems that i was sleeping for too long and missed the moment when they both migrated to mingw libs. Okay, then there's really no advantages and rights for distributing this project. I just made those builds for myself for years and decided to share it.
Thanks for a notion and the link.

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