I would like to announce a new major release of DStep, 1.0.0.

This release is the biggest release since the initial release. It has support for translating some of the preprocessor, like `#define` for contestants and function-like macros. It now supports preserving comments and support for one more platform has been added: Windows. Many more features have been added and bugs have been fixed, too many to mention here.

For those not familiar, DStep is a tool for automatically generating D bindings for C and Objective-C libraries. This is implemented by processing C or Objective-C header files and output D modules. DStep uses the Clang compiler as a library (libclang) to process the header files.

This release would not have been possible without Wojciech Szęszoł, the Google Summer of Code student that started to work on DStep during the summer of 2016 and still is contributing.

For the full changelog (this has been built up for over three years, so I'm sure things are missing), see the release page [1].

Binaries are available for macOS, Linux and Windows [1]. The Linux binary is completely statically linked and should work on any distro. The macOS binary is statically linked with libclang and doesn't have any additional dependencies besides the system libraries. The Windwos binaries require to install libclang.

[1] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/dstep/releases/tag/v1.0.0

/Jacob Carlborg

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