On 21/04/2019 10:40, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> On 07/04/2019 21:41, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the new release of Visual D has just been uploaded. Some major
>> improvements of 0.49.0:
>> * support for Visual Studio 2019
>> * parallel compilation supported by VC projects
>> * catch up with recent language changes
>> * new "Language" configuration page for -transition=/-preview=/-revert=
>> options
>> See http://rainers.github.io/visuald/visuald/VersionHistory.html for the
>> full list of changes.
>> Visual D is a Visual Studio extension that adds D language support to
>> VS2008-2019. It is written in D, its source code can be found on github:
>> https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/visuald, pull requests welcome.
>> The installer can be found at
>> http://rainers.github.io/visuald/visuald/StartPage.html
>> Rainer
> In case you are having some troubles with the semantic analysis (with
> LDC or with VC2017 projects), there is a new version available now:
> https://github.com/dlang/visuald/releases/tag/v0.49.1

And if you are still using VS 2015/2013, 0.49.1 is likely to be causing
trouble, so this one's for you:


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