On Tuesday, 21 May 2019 at 14:04:29 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
Here is a new screencast: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywywr7dp5v8rfoz/Bildschirmaufnahme%202019-05-21%20um%2015.20.59.mov?dl=0

That looks better :-)

So this gives us 36 FPS which is IMO pretty good for a desktop app target. There might be some 2-3ms speed-up still possible but not worth the effort yet.

That's true. High efficiency spatial datastructures are hard to refactor so better to keep it simple in the beginning. Leave yourself room to experiment with different class hierarchies etc.

Just make sure that you pick an architecture that allows you to use spatial datastructures later on!

Another option is to use 2 passes.

Pass 1: collects geometric information, could even use virtual function calls.

Pass 2: highly optimized algorithm for calculating layout plugin-style (meaning you can start with something simple and just replace it wholesale since it doesn't depend on the object hierarchies)

Then you can think more about usability and less about performance. Sure, there is a performance price, but flexibility is more important in the first iterations. KISS until the design is locked down FTW.

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