A Powerfull Redis client library for D Programming Language.

Porting from java Jedis, support redis 3.x / 4.x all features and 5.x
 some features.

So what can I do with Redis?

All of the following redis features are supported:

 * Sorting
 * Connection handling
 * Commands operating on any kind of values
 * Commands operating on string values
 * Commands operating on hashes
 * Commands operating on lists
 * Commands operating on sets
 * Commands operating on sorted sets
 * Transactions
 * Pipelining
 * Publish/Subscribe
 * Persistence control commands
 * Remote server control commands
 * Connection pooling
 * Sharding (MD5, MurmurHash)
 * Key-tags for sharding
 * Sharding with pipelining
 * Scripting with pipelining
 * Redis Cluster

To use it just:

Redis redis = new Redis("localhost");
redis.set("foo", "bar");
string value = redis.get("foo");

Redis Cluster:

Redis cluster specification (still under development) is implemented

Set!(HostAndPort) redisClusterNodes = new HashSet!(HostAndPort)();
//Redis Cluster will attempt to discover cluster nodes automatically
redisClusterNodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 7379));
RedisCluster rc = new RedisCluster(redisClusterNodes);
rc.set("foo", "bar");
string value = rc.get("foo");

Welcome to use and test it :)


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