On Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 18:46:00 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 16:20:15 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
Intellij added support for TextMate bundles. By adding the DLang TextMate Bundle[1] you get syntax highlighting.

If you want also code completion, formatting and linting you can install the LSP plugin from marketplace and setup DLS [2].

In addition there is also the complete D support including debugging by installing the IntelliJ D plugin from marketplace.

[1] https://github.com/textmate/d.tmbundle
[2] https://github.com/d-language-server/dls

Kind regards

Curious if there are a lot of D programmers using IntelliJ. It's $500 just for the first year.

I tried to give it a go, but this bug https://github.com/intellij-dlanguage/intellij-dlanguage/issues/455 is killing me and I always go back to VSCode w/ Code-D

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