On Thursday, 17 October 2019 at 15:42:10 UTC, bauss wrote:

Should probably ask people that you know might consider subscribing to your Patreon.

I thought you might be one candidate, bauss. I know we've discussed GtkD on at least one occasion on this forum.

As for where to find other people I know who might be interested... I've got this forum, the Reddit D Programming feed, and the forum over on GtkD.org... Oh. And Gnome Discourse... and, of course, the Facebook group I started. I don't know who else would potentially be my audience.

Audience building has been slow going, mostly—I think—because D and GtkD aren't exactly mainstream yet. Part of my goal is, of course, to help change this.

It's rather difficult unless there is a specific course behind your Patreon page that will make people support you.

Can you elaborate on this? I'm not really clear on what you mean by 'course.'

-- Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but there is no off-topic section either --

Yup, too true. I considered the Learn sub-forum, but this seemed more like an announce-y thing to me. Perhaps the moderator can step in and give me some guidance as to whether this thread should (or even can) be moved.

Thanks for you feedback, bauss.

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