On Sunday, 20 October 2019 at 15:27:35 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
Great stuff! Though I don't think you'll find much improvement in gdc 10 regarding switching off D features. Backported patches to make gdc on parity with dmd as of April 2019 was done prior to the gdc 9 release. I'm not aware of much more being done regarding that other than some extern(C) library functions being converted into templates, and the C main function being moved to a common location in D runtime (C main is not "compiled into" gdc unlike previous versions of dmd).

Darn... Are there any plans at some point in the future to add a real -betterC sort of flag? It would be really really nice to be able to compile something like...

import std.bitmanip : bitfields;

struct Stuff {
        uint, "x",    2,
        int,  "y",    3,
        uint, "z",    2,
        bool, "flag", 1));

extern(C) void main() {
  Stuff x;

...just as in DMD or LDC.

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