On Thursday, 31 October 2019 at 00:05:06 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:

FYI, string is a built-in type.

Regarding exercise 2. I would be very careful with deserializing a single character from JSON. First, because JSON doesn't support single characters. Second, you'll run into issues with Unicode. For example, you would need to know the exact JSON content, not just the type, to specify the type that should be deserialized. Example:

assert(json.deserialise!char() == '😀');

The above will not work, because the type of '😀' is not `char`, it's `dchar`. The deserialization would need to throw an exception in this case, because '😀' won't fit in a `char`. It's much simpler to just not allow this use case.

/Jacob Carlborg

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